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doc icon DUGiDocs 8 novembre 2011 Development of a decision support system for the integrated control of membrane bioreactors Monclús Sales, Hèctor
doc icon DUGiDocs 8 novembre 2011 Development of a decision support system for the integrated control of membrane bioreactors Monclús Sales, Hèctor
doc icon TDX 8 novembre 2011 Development of a decision support system for the integrated control of membrane bioreactors Monclús Sales, Hèctor
out url icon DUGiDocs 29 juliol 2022 Development of an environmental decision support system to enhance coagulation in drinking water treatment plants Suquet Masó, Jordi
doc icon TDX 14 desembre 2000 Development, implementation and evaluation of an activated sludge supervisory system for the Granollers WWTP Comas Matas, Joaquim
out url icon Recercat Development, implementation and evaluation of an activated sludge supervisory system for the Granollers WWTP Comas Matas, Joaquim
doc icon DUGiDocs 14 desembre 2000 Development, implementation and evaluation of an activated sludge supervisory system for the Granollers WWTP Comas Matas, Joaquim
doc icon DUGiDocs 13 febrer 2018 Development of new products from aquaculture fish species Lazo Zamalloa, Oxana
out url icon DUGiDocs 21 octubre 2024 Development and scale-up of vacuum UV-based advanced oxidation to degrade aqueous organic micropollutants Kovoor George, Nimmy
doc icon DUGiDocs 8 febrer 2021 Development of strategies for waste valorisation in waste water treatment plants (WWTPS): Consorci Besòs Tordera case study Palma Heredia, David
out url icon DUGiDocs 24 octubre 2024 Development of three-dimensional electrochemical systems for the degradation of persistent contaminants and disinfection Norra, Giannis-Florjan
doc icon TDX 3 febrer 2006 A dynamic knowledge-based decision support system to handle solids separation problems in activated sludge systems: development and validation Martínez i Puentes, Montse
out url icon Recercat A dynamic knowledge-based decision support system to handle solids separation problems in activated sludge systems: development and validation Martínez i Puentes, Montserrat
doc icon DUGiDocs 3 febrer 2006 A dynamic knowledge-based decision support system to handle solids separation problems in activated sludge systems: development and validation Martínez i Puentes, Montserrat
doc icon DUGiDocs 30 juliol 2012 Effects of breed and PRKAG3 and CAST genetic polymorphisms on the quality of serrano dry-cured ham Zhen, Zongyuan
doc icon TDX 30 juliol 2012 Effects of breed and PRKAG3 and CAST genetic polymorphisms on the quality of serrano dry-cured ham Zhen, Zongyuan
out url icon Recercat Effects of breed and PRKAG3 and CAST genetic polymorphisms on the quality of serrano dry-cured ham Zhen, Zongyuan
doc icon TDX 18 juliol 2014 Effects of operational conditions on the performance of a partial nitritation SBR treating high nitrogen loads Gabarró Bartual, Jordi
out url icon Recercat Effects of operational conditions on the performance of a partial nitritation SBR treating high nitrogen loads Gabarró Bartual, Jordi
doc icon DUGiDocs 18 juliol 2014 Effects of operational conditions on the performance of a partial nitritation SBR treating high nitrogen loads Gabarró i Bartual, Jordi
out url icon DUGiDocs 20 març 2024 Electro bioremediation of nitrate contaminated groundwater: from laboratory to on site pilot plant Ceballos-Escalera Lopez, Alba
out url icon DUGiDocs 4 juny 2024 Electrochemical degradation of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) using innovative graphene-based nanostructered materials Duinslaeger, Nick
doc icon TDX 9 abril 2015 Eliminació d’ions metàl·lics d’aigües residuals d’una indústria de recobriment de superfícies mitjançant residus vegetals Pujol Oriola, David
doc icon DUGiDocs 9 abril 2015 Eliminació d’ions metàl·lics d’aigües residuals d’una indústria de recobriment de superfícies mitjançant residus vegetals Pujol Oriola, David
out url icon Recercat Eliminació d’ions metàl·lics d’aigües residuals d’una indústria de recobriment de superfícies mitjançant residus vegetals Pujol Oriola, David
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